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GuidesSupporting Corporate Proxies

Supporting corporate proxies

Auth.js libraries use the fetch API to communicate with OAuth providers. If your organization uses a corporate proxy, you may need to configure the fetch API to use the proxy.

Using a custom fetch function

You can provide a custom fetch function by passing it as an option to the provider.

Here, we use the undici library to make requests through a proxy server, by passing a dispatcher to the fetch implementation by undici.

import NextAuth, { customFetch } from "next-auth"
import GitHub from "next-auth/providers/github"
import { ProxyAgent, fetch as undici } from "undici"
const dispatcher = new ProxyAgent("my.proxy.server")
function proxy(...args: Parameters<typeof fetch>): ReturnType<typeof fetch> {
  // @ts-expect-error `undici` has a `duplex` option
  return undici(args[0], { ...args[1], dispatcher })
export const { handlers, auth } = NextAuth({
  providers: [GitHub({ [customFetch]: proxy })],


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